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4 Days Left

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

With just 4 days left until my thru-hike begins, I'm getting last-minute details ironed out and feeling random surges of adrenaline and panic course through me. Because I've been taking more time the past few weekends to be at home and spend quality time with family and friends, I haven't been on many hiking or backpacking trips since my last update. That leaves me with little to tell you about other than the nitty-gritty.

A few key updates for everyone:

I received feedback from some folks that sharing my journey in forms other than just blogging would be ideal. That said, expect to find the occasional vlog (video blog) in a blog post. These could range anywhere from seconds to minutes long. I will also be recording short audio snippets while on trail. If you want to consider this a podcast, that would be generous of you, but I'll take it. These will be included in the podcast tab on my website. Following me on Instagram is still the best way to stay up to date and access any content, whatever form it may take, as it becomes available.

The call for donations continues as I get nearer to the start of my hike. You can donate any time by clicking on the donate tab of my website and entering your amount in the form there, continuing on to Outdoor Afro's website to officialize your donation. Right now, there are enough donations to get me 100 miles into the hike. To put that in perspective, given that my starting point is outside of Duncannon, PA, the current donation totals aren't enough to get me to the Pennsylvania-New Jersey border. We're off to a good start, but please do donate if you've been thinking about doing so and have the means.

I have also been asked to share my gear list, so I have copied that below. However, I wanted to offer a more visual way to show what I'm taking on my trip, so I created this interactive photo (below) that allows you to hover over each starred item to learn about the piece of gear and its use(s). This is a non-exhaustive list; I did not include what I will be taking for food, I expect to tweak some of my gear even before setting foot on trail, and I will likely make more changes once I get a few weeks in. Also, the photo below shows only what I will be taking for the first half of my trip (i.e. the part taking place in the summer months). I will have a slightly different setup for the fall, including more warm clothing layers. As you take a look at the photo, you'll notice that I did not bother to label things like my spoon, toiletries, fuel can, etc. because those are sort of a given. I mainly focused on labeling things that can vary significantly by hiker and/or are from brands that I intentionally sought out due to the reviews/features they boast. With all of my gear, I tried to balance function with price. Some of my gear has been kindly lent or outright given to me by friends and family, a privilege not everyone has. On that note, this is part of the reason I am so passionate about raising funds for Outdoor Afro!!! They help outfit people for great trips in the outdoors, which is really important since not everyone has the connections to borrow gear or can afford to spring for expensive gear they are not sure they will use more than once.

My interactive gear photo is below:

And the link to my gear list, prices included (I think this is helpful for prospective hikers who want to know how someone prepares financially), is here. Again, this list is not exhaustive and could be missing an item or two, or have an item on it that I won't end up taking. It does not include the costs of food or lodging while I'm on-trail, nor the costs of off-trail life that I will still be paying (those are where the numbers really add up).

I will be taking these last few days to spend time with my family and prepare my food for the first leg of my trip, so the next time you hear from me, I will be on-trail.

Until then, happy trails,


P.S. Years ago, when I first started dreaming of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, I made a playlist dedicated to the Trail and my experiences on it. As time went on, I tailored it more than anything to my taste and songs that put me in the mood for a hike. Some were added as inside jokes I had with my hiking buddies, but others are more obviously folksy and regionally accurate. I figured I'd put it here in case anyone is interested in listening to a playlist that has kept my thru-hiking spirits up and that I'm sure I'll be listening to on the Trail soon, too.

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